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作者:147小编 发布时间:2023-08-22 10:57:02点击:860



ADAM单词表0021枣阳顶管-0030(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)【学习步骤: (1) 英文单词在紧接片语什么意思? 枣阳顶管(2) 从中文句子塑造语境, 用英文表达并背熟英文句子; (3) 反复温习】

monkey see monkey do (adopt a “monkey see monkey do” approach)枣阳顶管 (ph.) 模仿他人的(采纳一个模仿他人的处理方法) 很多设计家满意跟随时装潮流采纳模仿他人的处理方法

Many designers are content with adopting a “monk枣阳顶管ey see monkey do” approach in following the fashion trend.

adore (adored movie idol) (v.) 受人崇拜的(受人崇拜的枣阳顶管电影偶像)这位曾经受人崇拜的电影偶像的名声被指控牵连在一宗一年前的性丑闻后被玷污了Reputation of the once adored movie idol is smudged after h枣阳顶管e was alleged to be embroiled in a year-ago sex scandal.

adorable (baby is adorable) (adj.) 真可爱(婴儿真可爱枣阳顶管)他说: “你的婴儿真可爱, 我可以抱她一下吗?”He said: “Your baby is adorable. May I hold her a bit?”

adorn (adorned her r枣阳顶管ésumé) (v.) 美化(美化简历书)她承认她有美化简历书一点儿She admitted she had adorned her résumé a little.

adult (sex betwee枣阳顶管枣阳顶管sex between an adult and a minor is considered statutory rape, even with consent.

adulthood (transiti枣阳顶管on into adulthood) (n.) 成年(成为成年的过渡阶段)在孩子们成为成年的过渡阶段父母的引导是重要Parental guidance is important in children枣阳顶管’s transition into adulthood.

advance (rent is paid in advance) (n.) 预付的(租金是预付的)一般租金是预付的,水电费是发生后才付的Ge枣阳顶管nerally, rent is paid in advance, but utilities are paid in arrears (note: not “arrear”).

advance (ap枣阳顶管proval in advance) (n.) 事先(事先批准)在这公司, 任何支出超过每项10,000美元,必须得到部门经理的事先批准.In this company, any expenditur枣阳顶管e over $10,000 each must receive approval in advance from a department manager.

notice (ninety-day no枣阳顶管tice) (n.) 通知(90天通知)房东在租约期满前提前90天给我们搬走通知The landlord gave us a ninety-day evacuation notice in advan枣阳顶管ce before the expiry of the lease.

advanced (advanced technologies) (adj.) 先进的(先进的科技)我们公司提供先进和最前卫的技术来枣阳顶管服务我们的客户Our company provides advanced and state-of-the-art technologies to service our customers.

tend枣阳顶管 (tend to abuse their powers) (v.) 往往(往往滥用他们的权力)小人物往往滥用他们的权力,不管它们可能是多么微不足道Little people tend to abus枣阳顶管e their powers—no matter how insignificant they may be.

advance (sexual advances) (n.) 表示(性爱的表示)这工厂的女枣阳顶管性工人遭受不必要的抓拿, 抚摸, 接触和性爱的表示Female workers in this factory are subject to unwanted grabbing, groping, t枣阳顶管ouching, and sexual advances.

advance (advances public hostility) (v.) 促进(促进公众敌意)这次多伦多公交罢工促进公众对那些工会工人枣阳顶管产生了敌意The transit strike in Toronto advanced public hostility towards those unionized workers.

advanta枣阳顶管ge (advantage in life) (n.) 优势(生命中的优势)无论你做什么,良好的沟通技巧都会给你带来生命中明显的优势Having good communication skills g枣阳顶管ives you a distinct advantage in life whatever you do.

adventure (working in our amusement park is an枣阳顶管 adventure) (n.) 刺激经历(在我们游乐场工作是一个刺激经历)夏天在我们的游乐园工作是不单是一份工作。

这是一个刺激经历Working in our amusement park duri枣阳顶管ng the summer is more than a job. It’s an adventure. adventurer (

adventurers’ paradise) (n.) 冒险家的(冒险枣阳顶管家的乐园)已经很久香港被认为是冒险家的乐园.Hong Kong is long seen as adventurers’ paradise.

adverse (adverse economic cond枣阳顶管ition) (adj.) 恶劣的(恶劣的经济情况) 尽管恶劣的经济情况,我们去年做到产生盈利We managed to turn in a profit last year despite adve枣阳顶管rse economic condition.

adverse (notadverse to idea) (adj.) 不反对(不反对意见)他说: “我不反对你的意见.”He said, “I am n枣阳顶管ot adverse to your idea.”

advertiser (advertisers marketing products) (n.) 广告商(推广产品的广告商)贝克尔, 一颗吸引女性的磁枣阳顶管石, 对推广女性产品的广告商来说是半神一般Becker, a magnet to females, is a demigod to advertisers marketing women’s prod枣阳顶管ucts.

advertisement (advertisement delivers a clear message) (n.) 广告(广告清楚地传达出信)在推广时装品牌知名度的过程中,广告必须清楚地枣阳顶管传达出信息品牌是什么

In promoting fashion brand awareness, an advertisement must deliver a clear message on wha枣阳顶管t the label is all about.

boast (boasts 100,000 members) (v.) 自豪拥有(自豪拥有10万名会员)那论坛自豪拥有有10万名会员但实际上只有少数是枣阳顶管活跃的, 其余的是不活跃的.The forum boasts 100,000 members. But in reality, only a few of them are active, and t枣阳顶管he rest are dormant.。

advertising (advertising campaign to draw in shoppers) (adj.) 广告的(广告的活动来引进购物者)从枣阳顶管8月开始,这家服装零售商计划发起一场广告的活动来引进返校购物者

Starting August, this clothing retailer plans to launch an advertisin枣阳顶管g campaign to draw in back-to-school shoppers.

advertise (advertise on radio stations) (v.) 登广告(在电台登广枣阳顶管告)我们主要在中文电台登广告向公众宣传我们的牌子We advertise mainly on Chinese radio stations to get our name out to the pub枣阳顶管lic.

advice (take my advice) (n.) 劝告(听我的劝告)约翰说:“听我的劝告, 把你不忠的女友像一吨砖头扔掉”John said, “Take my advice. Dum枣阳顶管p your cheating girlfriend like a ton of bricks.” 。

penny stock (advise him against investing in penn枣阳顶管y stock) (n. ph.) 仙股(劝他不要投资在仙股上) 他的投资顾问劝他不要投资在仙股上His investment counselor advised him against invest枣阳顶管ing in penny stock.

adviser (legal adviser) (n.) 顾问(法律顾问)这位亿万富翁身后有一队法律顾问帮助他摆脱各种各样的麻烦The billionaire h枣阳顶管as a team of legal advisers behind him to get him out of all sorts of troubles.

advocate (women’s rig枣阳顶管hts advocate) (n.) 倡导者(妇女权利倡导者)她以妇女权利倡导者角色而闻名She is known for her role as a women’s rights advocate.枣阳顶管

adverb (adverbs mainly modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs) (n.) 副词(副词主要修饰动词, 形容词和副词) 副词主要修饰动词, 形容词枣阳顶管和其他副词

Adverbs mainly modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. current affair (current affairsaroun枣阳顶管d the world

) (n. ph.) 时事(世界各处时事)这份社区报纸以世界各处时事和当地新闻为特色This community newspaper features current affai枣阳顶管rs around the world and local news.

affair (personal affair) (n.) 事项(私人事项)其他人没有权利去干涉他的生活和私人事项Other pe枣阳顶管ople have no right to interfere with his life and personal affairs.

affect (things that affect their 枣阳顶管operations) (v.) 影响(影响他经营的事情) 商人需要对可能影响他经营的事情了如指掌Businessmen need to be well-informed on things that枣阳顶管 may affect their operations.

affection (affection for each other) (n.) 爱(对彼此的爱) 这一对公开表达对彼此的爱有点过火了The枣阳顶管 couple’s public display of affection for each other is a bit overboard.

overboard (thrown overboard)枣阳顶管 (adv.) 从船旁(从船旁扔掉)Drugs were frantically thrown overboard from an escaping boat in a high-speed chas枣阳顶管e.

在一场高速追逐中,毒品被疯狂地从一艘逃跑的船旁扔掉到海里wild goose chase (wild goose chase to find the perfect husband) (ph.) 枣阳顶管徒劳无功的任务

(徒劳无功的任务寻找个完美无缺的丈夫)那母亲打发几个媒人去徒劳无功的任务寻找个完美无缺的丈夫给她的挑剔并容貌平凡的女儿The mother sent a number of matchm枣阳顶管akers on a wild goose chase to find the perfect husband for her finicky and plain-looking daughter.

a枣阳顶管ffectionate (get affectionate with women) (adj.) 动情(对女人动情) 他一喝醉就对女人动情,并对她们作出求爱表示He gets affectionate枣阳顶管 with women and hits on them when he is drunk.

afflict (afflicted with hunger) (v.) 遭受/之苦(遭受饥饿之苦) 这个小枣阳顶管国遭受文盲、饥饿和失业之苦This little country is afflicted with illiteracy, hunger and joblessness.

afford (can’t 枣阳顶管afford the price) (v.) 负担(负担不起价钱)我负担不起去看电影的费用.I can’t afford the price to see a movie.

affordable (af枣阳顶管fordable prices) (adj.) 负担得起的(负担得起的价钱) 我们以负担得起的价钱来售卖家庭产品.We sell household products at affordable pr枣阳顶管ices.

affordably (affordably priced) (adv.) 负担得起(定价负担得起)我们商店里的家用商品定价负担得起Household merchandise at our 枣阳顶管stores is affordably priced.

afford (afforded job opportunities) (v.) 给与(给与工作机会)我们大学的毕业生给与大量的工作机会Grad枣阳顶管uates of our university are afforded plenty of job opportunities.

afraid (don’t be afraid) (adj.) 害怕(枣阳顶管枣阳顶管ctly safe with me.” 。

stray (strayed in a mall) (v.) 迷路(在一个商场里迷路)一位母亲在她三岁的女儿在一个热闹的商场里迷路时惊慌失措A mother 枣阳顶管panicked when her three-year-old daughter strayed in a busy mall.

African (African countries) (adj.) 枣阳顶管枣阳顶管nal arena.

after (look after parents) (prep.) 及(照顾及父母)孩子们应该照顾及年迈的父母Children should look after their o枣阳顶管ld parents.

after (one after another) (prep.) 随后(一个随后一个)学生们一个随后一个地排队上校车去野外考察The students lined up one枣阳顶管 after another to get on the school bus for a field trip.

while (after a while) (n.) 一会儿(过了一会儿)那花花公子过枣阳顶管了一会儿就厌倦了他的新女友The playboy got tired of his new girlfriend after a while.

after all (he’s human after a枣阳顶管ll) (adv.) 毕竟(他毕竟是凡人)他不可能每场比赛都赢,因为他毕竟是凡人He cannot win every match because he’s human after all.


after school (after school he hangs out with friends) (ph.) 下课后(下枣阳顶管课后他和朋友们出去玩)每天下课后他回家前都和朋友们出去玩一会儿Every day after school, he hangs out with friends a bit before going 枣阳顶管home.

afternoon (3:00 in the afternoon) (n.) 下午(下午3点钟)汤米下午3点放学Tommy gets off school at 3:00 in the af枣阳顶管ternoon. 。

afterwards (kiss and make up afterwards) (adv.) 事后(事后和好如初)这两个情人经常吵架,但事后又接吻和好如初The two love枣阳顶管 birds fight often, but kiss and make up afterwards.

again (take it from the top again) (adv.) 再(再从新开枣阳顶管始)老师对全班同学说:“你们好像不太明白我刚才说的话让我再从新开始”The teacher said to the class, “You seem to have problems understa枣阳顶管nding what I just said. Let me take it from the top again.” 。

again and again (remind me again and ag枣阳顶管ain) (adv. ph.) 再三地(再三地提醒我)他对经理说:“我很抱歉我犯了那个错误. 但你不用再三提醒我”He said to his manager, “I’m sorry I made t枣阳顶管hat mistake. But you don’t have to remind me again and again.” 。

against (against all odds) (ph.) 逆着(枣阳顶管枣阳顶管e 2019 NBA Championship.

age (old age) (n.) 年纪(老的年纪)在一个老的年纪,他开始感到虚弱和无力At an old age, he begins to fee枣阳顶管l frail and weak. age (these days and age

) (n.) 时代(这些时代) 在这个时代,你再怎么小心也不为过In these days and age, you 枣阳顶管can never be too careful. agent (real estate agent

) (n.) 经纪人(房地产经纪人)他通过房地产经纪人把房子卖了He sold his house 枣阳顶管through a real estate agent. aggravate (power shortage is aggravated

) (v.) 加剧了(电力短缺被加剧了)当地的电力短缺的快速增长枣阳顶管能源需求加剧了Local power shortage is aggravated by a fast increase in demand on energy.

aggravation (aggrav枣阳顶管ation from driving) (n.) 烦恼(开车时的烦恼) 乘坐公交上班可以省去你在交通中开车时的许多烦恼Taking the public transit to work saves y枣阳顶管ou plenty of aggravation from driving in traffic.

aggregate (aggregate to $850,000) (v.) 总计(总计85万加元) 枣阳顶管多伦多的平均房价, 包括费用, 总计85万加元The average house price in Toronto, including expenses, aggregates to $850,00枣阳顶管0.

aggregation (aggregation of data) (n.) 聚合(数据聚合) 会计室是保存业务数据的聚合处The accounting office is where an ag枣阳顶管gregation of data from operation is kept. 。

aggressive (aggressive promotion) (adj.) 激烈进取的(激烈进取的促销活动)枣阳顶管激烈进取的促销活动推动职业摔跤成为主流的体育娱乐项目Aggressive promotions have pushed professional wrestling to become mainstr枣阳顶管eam sports entertainment.

aghast (aghast at fatalities) (adj.) 感到震惊(对做成死亡感到震惊) 民众对电枪在加拿大造成的死亡感到震惊The 枣阳顶管public is aghast at the fatalities caused by Taser guns in Canada.

agile (agile in adopting to custom枣阳顶管er needs) (adj.) 灵活(灵活适应客户需求) 我们公司在适应客户需求方面很灵活Our company is agile in adopting to customer needs.

agi枣阳顶管lity (agility is essential to basketball player) (n.) 敏捷(为一名篮球运动员敏捷是必不可少的)要成为一名职业篮球运动员,敏捷、运动能力和快速是必不枣阳顶管可少的

Agility, athleticism, and quickness are essential to become a professional basketball player. ago枣阳顶管 (many years ago

) (adv.) 以前(很多年以前)许多年前,我还是一个年轻人Many years ago I was still a young man. agony (endure枣阳顶管 the agony) (n.)

痛苦(忍受痛苦) 今天,我们要忍受即将的又一个徒劳无益、拖长的办公室会议的痛苦Today we have to endure the agony of yet anot枣阳顶管her unproductive, drawn-out office meeting. 。

agree (agree to provide a loan) (v.) 同意(同意提供贷款)政府同意向创造就枣阳顶管业的工厂提供贷款The government agreed to provide a loan to the job-creating factory.

agreement (reach an agre枣阳顶管ement) (n.) 协议(达成协议)今天早些时候,双方达成合伙协议去研发创新电池Earlier today, the two parties reached a partnership agree枣阳顶管ment to develop innovative batteries.

agreeable (agreeable to cease-fire) (adj.) 有同意意向(对停火有同意意向)这两个在战枣阳顶管

agricultu枣阳顶管re (agriculture was the backbone of the economy) (n.) 农业(农业是经济的支柱)在古代中国,农业是整个经济的支柱In ancient China, 枣阳顶管agriculture was the backbone of the entire economy.

nagging (nagging toothache) (adj.) 持续不舒服(持续不舒服的牙痛枣阳顶管)他持续不舒服和极度痛楚的牙痛最近整夜使他没睡His nagging and excruciating toothache has been keeping him up all night late枣阳顶管ly.

ahead (our team was ahead 2:0) (adj.) 领先(我们球队以2:0领先) 中场休息时,我们球队以2:0领先At halftime, our team was ah枣阳顶管ead 2:0.

ahead (construction is ahead of schedule) (adj.) 前于(建设前于时间表)新大楼的建设前于时间表了Construction of the 枣阳顶管new building is ahead of schedule.

aid (with the aid of crutches) (n.) 帮助(在双拐杖帮助下)这位球员在比赛中受伤,不得不在双拐杖的枣阳顶管帮助下走路The player was injured in a game and had to walk with the aid of crutches.

ailment (suffer from 枣阳顶管ailments) (n.) 疾病(患有疾病) 许多老年人患有妨碍他们行动的疾病Many seniors suffer from ailments that impede their mobility枣阳顶管.

aim (have high aims) (n.) 目标(有很高的目标)许多刚从大学毕业的年轻人有很高的目标和理想Many young men fresh out of universities h枣阳顶管ave high aims and ideals.

aim (police presence aims at curbing street crime) (v.) 针对(警察在场针对遏制街头犯罪)增加警枣阳顶管察在公共场所的在场是针对遏制街头犯罪Increased police presence in public aims at curbing street crimes.

air (clean air) 枣阳顶管(n.) 空气(干净的空气)他在一个有干净的空气和无污染的水之小镇长大He grew up in a small town with clean air and unpolluted water.

un枣阳顶管polluted (unpolluted water) (adj.) 无污染的(无污染的水)他在一个有干净的空气和无污染的水之小镇长大He grew up in a small town with c枣阳顶管lean air and unpolluted water.

air (exudes an air of confidence) (n.) 气质(散发出自信的气质)这位首席执行官散发出自信、权威和优雅的枣阳顶管气质This CEO exudes an air of confidence, authority and elegance.

air conditioner (turn on the air-cond枣阳顶管itioner) (n. ph.) 空调机(打开空调机)孩子说:“妈妈,如果你不赶快打开空调, 我就会融化成一滩汗”The child said, “Mom, if you don’t turn on枣阳顶管 the air-conditioner soon, I’ll melt into a puddle of sweat.”

air-conditioning (car without air-condi枣阳顶管tioning) (n.) 空调(没有空调的车)他说:“这辆没有空调的小车是我们能买得起的He said, “This little car without air-conditioning is a枣阳顶管ll we can afford.”

on the air (radio station is on the air) (ph.) 开始广播(广播电台开始广播) 每天这个时候, 多伦多中文广播电台开始广枣阳顶管播At this time every day, the Toronto Chinese radio station is on the air.

air force (called inair for枣阳顶管ce to take out a target) (n. ph.) 空军(求助空军来消灭目标)陆军求助空军来消灭隐藏着敌人狙击手的目标The army called in the air force 枣阳顶管to take out a target with enemy snipers hiding in it.

marine (marine calls in the air force) (n.) 海军陆枣阳顶管战队(海军陆战队求助空军)海军陆战队求助空军来消灭隐藏着敌人狙击手的目标The marine called in the air force to take out a target with ene枣阳顶管my snipers hiding in it.

aircraft (aircraft manufacturer) (n.) 飞机(飞机制造商)这家龙头飞机制造商的一架商用飞机因技术问题坠毁后,其股价暴枣阳顶管跌Stock prices of the leading aircraft manufacturer plummeted after one of its commercial airplanes c枣阳顶管rashed due to technical problems.

airline (no-frills airline) (n.) 航空公司(无奢华航空公司)在无奢华航空公司的航班你支付低廉的机票价格枣阳顶管但很少服务You pay low ticket prices but receive little services with flights of no-frills airlines.

airmai枣阳顶管l (delivery by airmail) (n.) 航空邮件(航空邮件递送)航空邮递费用较高,但到达目的地要快得多Delivery by airmail costs more, but it g枣阳顶管ets to the destination much faster.

airport (departing airport) (n.) 飞机场(即将离开的飞机场)来访的总统在震耳欲聋的警车带领下的护送枣阳顶管车队驾驶到即将离开的飞机场The visiting president was driven to the departing airport in a convoy led by siren-bla枣阳顶管ring police cars.

domestically (achieve leadership positions domestically) (adv.) 在国内(在国内取得领导地位)我们公司的枣阳顶管目标是在国内外两个都取得领导地位Our company aims to achieve leadership positions both domestically and abroad.

egoman枣阳顶管iac (egomaniac thinks he is better than everyone else) (n.) 自大狂(自大狂认为他比任何人都好)这个自大狂认为他是在所有人上面This ego枣阳顶管maniac thinks he is better than everyone else.

feature (ad campaign features a check-mark) (v.) 显著显示(枣阳顶管

The ad campaign of the famous sportswear gi枣阳顶管ant features a check-mark and its hallmark slogan “Just do it.”

airy (cabin is airy and roomy) (adj.)枣阳顶管 通风(小屋是通风和宽敞) 这个高天花板的湖边小屋是通风和宽敞This high-ceiling lakeside cabin is airy and roomy.

alarm (break-in at枣阳顶管tempt triggered alarm) (n.) 警报器(非法闯入的企图触发警报器)非法闯入的企图被触发的警报器阻止了The break-in attempt was foiled by the枣阳顶管 triggered alarm.

alarm clock (my dog ate my alarm clock) (n. ph.) 闹钟(我的狗吃了我的闹钟) 这名员工对他的主管说:“我上班迟到了,因枣阳顶管为我的狗吃了我的闹钟”The employee said to his supervisor, “I’m late for work because my dog ate my alarm clock枣阳顶管.” 。

album (photo album) (n.) 册(相册)看着旧相册会勾起美好的回忆Looking at old photo albums brings back beautiful mem枣阳顶管ories.

alcohol (won the battle with alcohol) (n.) 酒精(打败酒精)这位前奥斯卡奖得主打败毒品和酒精, 他的电影事业复生The former Oscar 枣阳顶管winner won the battle with drugs and alcohol, and his movie career was resurrected.

alcoholic (chroni枣阳顶管c alcoholic) (n.) 酗酒者(长期的酗酒者)工作压力已经把这位前途无量的高管变成了一个长期的酗酒者Job pressure has turned this promising execu枣阳顶管tive into a chronic alcoholic.

alcoholic (alcoholic drinks) (adj.) 酒精的(酒精的饮料)由于法律责任问题,我们的年会不提供酒精的饮料Du枣阳顶管e to liability issues, alcoholic drinks will not be served in our annual office party.

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